A handful of good china massive size mold images I discovered:
Image from page 351 of “Sorts and market classes of live stock” (1916)

Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: typesmarketclass01vaug
Title: Kinds and market place classes of live stock
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Authors: Vaughan, Henry William, 1887- [from old catalog]
Subjects: Livestock Livestock
Publisher: Columbus, Ohio, R. G. Adams & co.
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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headmay be good, and the neck may be good also, but the two maybe joined at an angle which injures the look. The neckmay not rise from the shoulders as it need to. The feet possibly good, but may possibly be either as well large or as well small to be inproportion to the size and weight of the animal. The leading line 348 Kinds and Market Classes of Live Stock from head to tail may be an irregular line full of angles,whereas it ought to be gracefully curved. The hips could be wide,which is desirable, however they should not be wide out of allproportion to the rest of the physique, so as to be ragged andprominent. Seemingly modest elements such as these may possibly ormay not affect the horses usefulness for work, but frequentlythey constitute the difference between a plain animal and oneof show-yard character, in between which there is a great differ-ence in cost. A single horse looks as even though he were made up ofa lot of diverse-sized components which do not fit properly collectively,even though the other seems cast from a cautiously prepared mould.
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Fig. 94. Heavy Drafters in Harness. This is the famous team of grays which was invincible at the leadingshows a few years ago. They were shown in each the United States andGreat Britain. Owned by Armour & Firm of Chicago. Standing in all-natural position, the symmetrical horse carrieshis head and neck well up, so that the face line, shoulder, andpastern all slope at practically the same angle the croup is fairlylevel from hips to tail, the tail is set higher, and all parts ofhis conformation are so proportioned as to give him a well-balanced appearance. On the matter of sort.—To present the greatest appearance,the drafter need to not be over-drafty in kind that is, shortnessof leg and compactness and width of body need to not be carriedto the extreme. This kind of horse is occasionally referred toas the Poland-China drafter. A certain degree of length of Varieties and Market Classes of Live Stock 349 limb, length of neck, and length of underline is required, notonly for the sake of looks, but als
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Please note that these pictures are extracted from scanned page photos that may possibly have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and look of these illustrations may possibly not perfectly resemble the original work.
Image from page 171 of “Priced catalogue of artists’ supplies : supplies for oil painting, water color painting, china painting … and drawing materials for architects and engineers, manual instruction schools and colleges.” (1914)

Image by World wide web Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: pricedcatalogueo00devo
Title: Priced catalogue of artists’ components : supplies for oil painting, water color painting, china painting … and drawing components for architects and engineers, manual coaching schools and colleges.
Year: 1914 (1910s)
Authors: Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc. (New York, N.Y.)
Subjects: Artists’ supplies–Catalogs Trade catalogs–Artists’ materials.
Publisher: The Organization
Contributing Library: Winterthur Museum Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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No. Ill No. Ill, E. Fabers Emerald Pencil Rubber, modest By doz., $ .55 211,112,212,1080,110, Ruby Circular Erasers.Union huge.modest.large. 1.ten.55 1.ten.55.55 Rubber Ink Erasers p A^WWABERS B Enhanced ■ INK ERASER A. W. Fabers Ink Eraser, tiny, in boxes of 25 and 50 pieces By hundred, .50 huge, in bo.xes of 25 pieces eight.ten additional huge, in boxes of 12 pieces By box, 1.90 E. Fabers Typewriter Erasers, small size. No. 102 By doz., .50 massive 104 1.00 126 F. W. DEVOE & C. T. RAYNOLDS CO. Rubber for Cleaning Drawings F. W. DEVOE & GOS MOULDED SPONGE RUBBER
Text Appearing Soon after Image:
Strong BACK. Very best QUALITYf X If X2| in By doz., .00 F. W. DEVOE & GOS BLAGK SPONGE RUBBER Strong BACK. A Extremely SUPERIOR Quality FIRMDOES NOT CRUMBLE OR HARDEN 1 X2X1 in By doz., .80 4X3X1 in By doz., .00 1^X2X1 in two.50 6X4X1 in 20.00 3 X2X1 in five.00 E. FABERS KNEADED PENGIL RUBBER
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Image from web page 123 of “Sunset” (1898)

Image by World wide web Archive Book Photos
Identifier: sunset74jansout
Title: Sunset
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: Southern Pacific Firm. Passenger Division
Publisher: [San Francisco, Calif. : Passenger Dept., Southern Pacific Co.] Menlo Park, CA : Sunset Publishing Corporation
Contributing Library: World wide web Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: World wide web Archive
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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When you get Formay,your grocer will give youa copy of the free book-let, Martha LogansBaking Lessons. It tellshow to adhere to the For-could method. Use thatmethod. Note guarantee below. Your Income Back! If Formay, employed as this booklet recom-mends, does not noticeably improveyour biscuits, send Swift & CompanyRefinery, Los Angeles, the parch-ment disc in your can of Formaywith a letter telling your experi-ence, how a lot you paid forFormay, and your grocers name.The full value you paid for For-might will be promptly returned.Copr. Swift & Firm, 1935 -4 A Selection OF USESFOR THE RING MOLD
Text Appearing Soon after Image:
3aked for cautious housewives Snow Flakes ARE Oven-Fresh wherever you get them Discriminating housewives aredelighted with the delicate tex-ture, the crisp tenderness ofoven-fresh Snow Flakes! Nearby Uneeda Bakersbakeries are baking SnowFlakesdaily to supply your grocer withthese oven-fresh crackers thatare coming to imply more andmore in any hostess scheme ofthings . .. Far more than that, everybox is double wax-wrapped forquality protection. Youll locate its economical toget the massive, loved ones-size carton. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANYUneeda Bakers* OVEN-FRESH your selection of three CONVENIENTiiztd packagei
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Please note that these photos are extracted from scanned web page photos that may possibly have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and look of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.